Visiting Mayan Schools in Yucatan, Mexico

June 3, 2019
Carlsbad, California

For two weeks in May 2019, Abako’s Executive Director, Dr. Lety Banks, and Director, Dr. Anel May visited over 15 schools in the areas of Temozon, Tizimin and Valladolid, Yucatan, Mexico. The purpose of the visits was manifold: First, to witness the progress of ongoing projects as in the case of Chan Cenote, Dzalbay, Ekbalam, Nahbalam, Popolnah, San Andres, and Tahcabo where mothers and teachers work together in initial education centers.

Second, to visit with parents whose schools are already working with Abako and show support for their children's education.  The work teachers do on their behalf was palpable.

Third to meet new schools and assess needs in other initial centers of education located in Kuxed, Sisbichen, and XCatzin in Chemax as well as Yokdzonot Presentados and Dzalbay in Temozon. In the area of Valladolid, the team visited Kanxoc, Xocen, and Xuilub. There were three preschools in the tour located in Hunuku, Uman, and Tunkas as well as three elementary schools located in San Luis TzucTuk, Santa Rita, and Tzalbay. Most of the schools visited are bilingual, Maya-Spanish.

The Abako team enjoyed not only the hot weather but also the warm hospitality of each school. Three people were vital to the success of the visits: Teachers Norma Borges, Wendi Eliodoro, and Silvia Silva, supervisors for the initial education level in the area. To them, our sincere thanks.

Dr. Banks also conducted three informative sessions about the Foundation’s work and how to apply for a school grant at three different Educational Center (CEDES): Merida, Tizimin, and Valladolid. Finally, the team visited La Escuela Normal Superior de Valladolid and met with its Director, Dr. Landy Loaeza Rosado.

During their stay in the capital city of Merida, the Abako team also met with education officials in the State (to learn more about Abako meeting with officials, see news above).